Dear ,
This zone has been curated to serve as your go-to resource area, offering all the essential information you’ll require while participating at the show and all the forms that will need to be completed in the lead up to the show. Although you will find the answers to most of your questions in the Exhibitor E-Zone, it is not designed to replace our personal service. Should you have any specific queries or require any additional assistance, we are happy to answer any questions you have and can be contacted via email or via phone +44 (0)20 7823 3511.
Additionally, you can refer to the comprehensive task list provided to manage any outstanding tasks that require completion. We do recommend completing the tasks as soon as possible to ensure a seamless run up to the fair.
In the meantime, should you have any pre-fair queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Wishing you a successful participation at the show.
The LAPADA Events Team