Health & Safety

Health & Safety

The Health and Safety officer carries out suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks associated with this event.  Details of these, together with our Health & Safety Policy, can be obtained from the Organiser’s office.

  • Multiple contractors working in a single workplace - Construction Phase Plan
  • Structural collapse of an exhibition stand
  • Fire Safety Plan
  • Major incident and civil emergency

Exhibitors have the duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees, contractors and members of the public as far as is reasonably practicable. Exhibitors must ensure that their actions or inactions do not generate incidents, injuries, or unsafe working environments. It is their responsibility to provide suitable information, instruction and training to their employees, contractors and agents.

Exhibitors are reminded that UK Health and Safety legislation applies to LAPADA. The Organisers are committed to operating the Fair in compliance with all the relevant legislation and guidelines covering health and safety at work. It is a requirement that all Exhibitors comply with all Health and Safety and Emergency procedures.

Exhibitors should appoint a Health and Safety representative and carry out a risk assessment covering their activities onsite.

Particular attention must be given to exhibits or activities involving sharp edges, heavy items that could fall or topple over, have moving parts or have component parts containing high voltage etc.

The Organisers reserve the right to ask Exhibitors to remove items that are considered too dangerous to exhibit.

The Exhibitor must inform the Organisers of any items, fixtures, and/or stand-alone units (of any description) that may be of a combustible nature to be set up on their stand.

Activities carried out by Exhibitors must not contravene local authority regulations, by-laws or other statutory requirements relating to the Venue as notified to Exhibitors. If you have any queries at all regarding this please contact the Organisers.

All electrical items purchased more than 12 months ago and used at the Fair must be PAT tested with current valid certificates and stickers on display.

Exhibitors and their staff are required to abide by any instructions and or restrictions imposed by safety signs displayed at the Venue.

During open period rubbish will be removed from stands if requested. During the installation and dismantling, rubbish should be left in the aisles for collection and be clearly marked as rubbish. Exhibitors should use the bins provided. At the end of the Fair, Exhibitors must remove all waste.

Exhibitors are liable to incur charges if waste is left on-site at the end of the breakdown period.

No children under 16 years old are allowed on site at any time during the build-up and breakdown. No dogs and other pets are allowed onsite with the exception of registered assistance dogs.

 Pre-site Health and Safety Checklist:
  • Have you appointed an H&S representative and conducted a risk assessment?
  • Are you planning to bring any electrical appliances to the Fair and have they been recently PAT tested?
  • When loading, unloading or working in the venue and surrounding areas, please be aware that there may be vehicles moving around the site. Consider the use of high visibility vests, proper footwear, gloves and other PPE as appropriate.
  • Will you or your staff be carrying heavy objects and have you sought advice on manual handling?
  • During build up and breakdown the site is a construction site and there are many hazards, such as uneven surfaces, trip hazards, and overhead work. Have you made your staff aware of the risks and provided the appropriate protective clothing?

On Site Checklist

  • Have you briefed your staff about the location of the nearest fire extinguishers?
  • Do you know the location of at least the two nearest fire exits?
  • Do you know the location of the nearest static security guard or steward?
  • Have you made yourself and your staff aware of the emergency procedures? ask at the Organiser’s Office if you don’t understand any part of it.
  • There are certain things that are not allowed inside the venue including compressed gas, flammable liquids and candles. If in doubt, please contact the Organisers.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the building and temporary structures at any time.


All gangways and emergency exits must be kept clear at all times.  Please remember to keep all of your exhibits inside your stand.  Showcases, objects and furniture that extend beyond the stand boundary will not be allowed under Health and Safety rules, which will be strictly enforced.  Due to Health & Safety regulations we have strict guidance on the placement of visitor seating and keeping aisles free in the case of an emergency.

First Aid

A qualified first aider will be onsite throughout the show, please contact them via the Organisers Office.  In the event of a medical emergency alert the nearest member of staff with a radio or alert the Organisers Office straight away. Make the injured person comfortable but do not attempt to move them.  Help will arrive quickly.

If you cannot get hold of a member of staff please dial 999 giving the exact location of the casualty (the Berkeley Square postcode is W1J 6ES) and details of injuries sustained e.g. obvious bleeding, unconsciousness.  Please also inform the Organisers Office subsequently, so that we can help with the swift arrival of medical assistance.

For basic first aid, please make your way to the Organisers Office.


Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the venue. Please take care not to leave discarded cigarette ends near the entrance to fair. 

Fire Precautions

The use of naked flames is prohibited inside the Venue. Please use designated smoking areas.

Health & Safety Declaration

The safety of our exhibitors, contractors, staff and visitors is paramount. Therefore, we ask that you not only read the below H&S Information but more importantly sign and return this form to state that you will comply with the Fairs Health & Safety Policy.

LAPADA Berkeley Square Fair Health & Safety Policy

Exhibitors have the duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees, contractors and members of the public as far as is reasonably practicable. Exhibitors must ensure that their actions or inactions do not generate incidents, injuries, or unsafe working environments. It is their responsibility to provide suitable information, instruction and training to their employees, contractors and agents.

Exhibitors are reminded that UK Health and Safety legislation applies to LAPADA Berkeley Square Fair. The Organisers are committed to operating the Fair in compliance with all the relevant legislation and guidelines covering health and safety at work. It is a requirement that all Exhibitors comply with all Health and Safety and Emergency procedures.

Particular attention must be given to exhibits or activities involving sharp edges, heavy items that could fall or topple over, have moving parts or have component parts containing high voltage etc.

The Organisers reserve the right to ask Exhibitors to remove items that are considered too dangerous to exhibit.

The Exhibitor must inform the Organisers of any items, fixtures, and/or stand-alone units (of any description) that may be of a combustible nature to be set up on their stand. Please note that the Organisers have the right to consequently state these items must be removed from site.

Activities carried out by Exhibitors must not contravene local authority regulations, by-laws or other statutory requirements relating to the Venue as notified to Exhibitors. If you have any queries at all regarding this please contact the Organisers.

All electrical items purchased less than 12 months ago and used at the Fair must be PAT tested with current valid certificates and stickers on display.

All gangways and emergency exits must be kept clear at all times.  Please remember to keep all of your exhibits inside your stand.  Showcases, objects and furniture that extend beyond the stand boundary will not be allowed under Health and Safety rules, which will be strictly enforced.  Due to Health & Safety regulations we have strict guidance on the placement of visitor seating and keeping aisles free in the case of an emergency.

Exhibitors and their staff are required to abide by any instructions and or restrictions imposed by safety signs displayed at the Venue.

No children under 16 years old are allowed on site at any time during the build-up and breakdown. No dogs and other pets are allowed onsite with the exception of registered assistance dogs.

 Pre-site Health and Safety Checklist:
  • Have you appointed an H&S representative and conducted a risk assessment if required?
  • Are you planning to bring any electrical appliances to the Fair and have they been recently PAT tested?
  • When loading, unloading or working in the venue and surrounding areas, please be aware that there may be vehicles moving around the site. Consider the use of high visibility vests, proper footwear, gloves and other PPE as appropriate.
  • Will you or your staff be carrying heavy objects and have you sought advice on manual handling?
  • During build up and breakdown the site is a construction site and there are many hazards, such as uneven surfaces, trip hazards, and overhead work. Have you made your staff aware of the risks and provided the appropriate protective clothing?

On Site Checklist:

  • Have you briefed your staff about the location of the nearest fire extinguishers?
  • Do you know the location of at least the two nearest fire exits?
  • Do you know the location of the nearest static security guard or steward?
  • Have you made yourself and your staff aware of the emergency procedures? ask at the Organiser’s Office if you don’t understand any part of it.
  • There are certain things that are not allowed inside the venue including compressed gas, flammable liquids and candles. If in doubt, please contact the Organisers.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the building and temporary structures at any time.