Vetted PIcture Store The stores will be managed by the security company, Stambridge Group. All goods left in the stores must be labelled and ‘signed in’, and they must also be ‘signed out’ upon removal. Items left in the Vetted Picture Store MUST be vetted, either on vetting day, Tuesday 22nd October 2024, or between 8am-10am each morning, during the daily vetting. If an item is vetted off, then this must be removed from the Fair and taken off-site. Vetting takes place from 9am – 1pm on Tuesday 22nd October, with the fair opening to the public at 3pm. Exhibitors must ensure their stands are tidy and organised, with all approved vetted stock that you do not wish to be displayed on your stand at this time, placed back into the Vetted Picture Store by 1.30pm at the latest, or out of site on your stand. No ladders should be left in the Vetted Picture Store. It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to carry goods to and from the stores during the show open period, as porters will only be available for the build up and pull out. Exhibitors should ensure items are wrapped/protected and that any items placed in the Stores are left there at their own risk. * Exhibitor name * Stand number * Main Exhibitor Contact Name:- * Contact Mobile Number:- * Contact Landline or Alternative Number:- * Approximate size required:- Size Requirements NB we ask for your ideal requirements, but realistically, this will be approximately 4-6 pictures (depending on size and demand). If demand is high we might have to reduce the space allotted to you. Submit